Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination (FAST-ED)

 samedi 24 septembre 2016  |  Septembre 2021  |  0 Commentaires
   Dr Michel NAHON

The FAST-ED Scale and Its Correspondence to the NIHSS
ItemFAST-ED ScoreNIHSS Score Source
Facial palsy
Normal or minor paralysis 0 0–1
Partial or complete paralysis 1 2–3
Arm weakness
No drift 0 0
Drift or some effort against gravity 1 1-2
No effort against gravity or no movement 2 3-4
Speech changes
Absent 0 0
Mild to moderate 1 1
Severe, global aphasia, or mute 2 2-3
Eye deviation
Absent 0 0
Partial 1 1
Forced deviation 2 2
Absent 0 0
Extinction to bilateral simultaneous stimulation in only 1 sensory modality 1 1
Does not recognize own hand or orients only to one side of the body 2 2
FAST-ED indicates Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination ; and NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.


Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination
A Simple and Accurate Prehospital Scale to Detect Large Vessel Occlusion Strokes

Fabricio O. Lima, Gisele S. Silva, Karen L. Furie, Michael R. Frankel, Michael H. Lev, Érica C.S. Camargo, Diogo C. Haussen, Aneesh B. Singhal, Walter J. Koroshetz, Wade S. Smith, and Raul G. Nogueira

Originally published 30 Jun 2016 2016 ;47:1997–2002

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